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2021년 기준 중위 소득, 건강 보험료 판정 기준표 ( 65 180 )
2021년 기준 중위 소득, 건강 보험료 판정 기준표 ( 65 180 ) from sharedfolder.tistory.com

When it comes to legal matters, it's always a good idea to consult a professional. However, understanding the basics of law can be helpful in navigating the legal system. In this article, we will explore the topic of "copyright law" and provide an overview of its key concepts and principles.

What is Copyright Law?

Copyright law is a legal framework that grants exclusive rights to the creators of original works, such as authors, artists, musicians, and filmmakers. It provides protection for their intellectual property, allowing them to control the use, distribution, and reproduction of their creations.

The Purpose of Copyright Law

The main purpose of copyright law is to encourage creativity and innovation by providing creators with an incentive to produce original works. By granting them exclusive rights, copyright law ensures that creators can benefit financially from their creations and have the motivation to continue producing new works.

The Scope of Copyright Protection

Copyright protection extends to a wide range of creative works, including literary works, musical compositions, artistic works, architectural designs, and computer software. It also covers derivative works, which are new works based on existing copyrighted materials.

Key Concepts in Copyright Law

There are several key concepts and principles that are fundamental to copyright law. Understanding these concepts can help individuals navigate the legal aspects of copyright and avoid infringing on the rights of others.


In order to be eligible for copyright protection, a work must be original. This means that it must be independently created by the author and possess some level of creativity. Facts, ideas, and common knowledge are not eligible for copyright protection.

Copyright Ownership

Under copyright law, the creator of a work is usually the initial owner of the copyright. However, in some cases, the copyright may belong to the employer if the work was created within the scope of employment. Copyright can also be transferred or assigned to another party through a written agreement.

Duration of Copyright

The duration of copyright protection varies depending on several factors, including the type of work and the country in which it was created. In general, copyright protection lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus an additional period of time after their death.

Importance of Copyright Law

Copyright law plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of creators and encouraging the creation of new works. It ensures that creators can control how their works are used and prevents others from profiting from their creations without permission. By providing legal protection for intellectual property, copyright law fosters creativity, innovation, and cultural development.

In conclusion, copyright law is a vital aspect of the legal system that grants exclusive rights to creators and protects their intellectual property. Understanding the key concepts and principles of copyright law is essential for both creators and users of creative works to navigate the legal landscape and respect the rights of others.


  • Copyright law grants exclusive rights to creators of original works.
  • It aims to encourage creativity and innovation.
  • Copyright protection extends to various creative works and includes derivative works.
  • Key concepts include originality, copyright ownership, and duration of copyright.
  • Copyright law is important for protecting creators' rights and fostering creativity.
